5 tips to ace the exam season

High school learners are writing their final exams after another challenging academic year

WITH sporadic school closures owing to the pandemic, children have had limited time inside the classroom.

There’s no doubt this presents huge challenges for our country’s learners as they begin to write their exams.

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Over time and with an intensified effort, children can get back on track. In the short term, children can use the following exam tips and advice in their upcoming exams:

Re-reading is not enough
When it comes to preparing for exams, simply re-reading material can be a superficial process. What is more effective, is if learners take the time to understand what they are reading, and even be prepared to ask themselves questions about their learning content.
A study conducted by Washington University’s Henry Roediger in 2010 compared test results of students who re-read material with those of another group who wrote questions out and canvassed answers about the material. The study found that those who answered the questions performed better than those who just re-read the material.

Test yourself
Another good study strategy for learners is testing themselves. Learners can get a friend or family member to quiz them on their knowledge. Creating flashcards with questions on one side and answers on the other is a great way to do this. They should be encouraged to make these quizzes as challenging as possible.

Mistakes can get you ahead
When learners test themselves, they shouldn’t stress too much if they get answers wrong or even spend too much time on their answers. It’s important to take a step back, look at where their answering has gone wrong, and focus on rectifying those weak areas. This is what learning is all about.

Mixing it up
With self-testing, it’s advised to mix-up the learning approach. In this regard, a study technique that is growing in popularity is a process called interleaving. This involves mixing or interleaving multiple subjects or topics to improve learning. For example, during a study session, a learner could devote some time to mathematics and then interleave their studying session with physical science. Cycling through these different but interlinked topics in this way ensures learners retrieve information and make new connections, thereby bolstering retention.

Dig deeper
Finally, another good study technique is to ask questions about how or why things are a certain way. This can help spark elaboration, and thereby encourage a learner’s brain to create new relations and connections. This, in turn, has been proven to make it easier to learn and remember things. These types of deeper questions also help with better memory.

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