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Must-read safety tips for the festive season

Tips to prevent snatching

With the start of silly season imminent, people are inclined to let their guard down making them an easy target.

It takes just a moment for a mobile phone, wallet or bag to be snatched, so to prevent becoming a statistic, here are some safety tips.

Out and about
– No matter where you go or what you do, be aware of your surroundings. This will help you to avoid a dangerous situation.
– Don’t carry too much cash or valuables and keep these items out of sight. Leave unnecessary bank or store cards at home.

– Whether you’re out on the street or in a mall, be vigilant of who might be watching you or following you. Try to avoid quiet places.
– If you’re carrying a bag, keep one hand on a strap and make sure all the pockets are closed.
– If you don’t have a bag, keep your wallet, purse and phone in the front pocket of your jacket or trousers. Avoid walking with your phone in your hand.

– Inside a mall, avoid darkened hallways and quiet areas, especially near closing time.
– Avoid using bathrooms that are tucked away in a back area of a mall. If you can, find a bathroom near the mall’s food court or well-trafficked areas.
– Never leave a bag in a trolley or pram, rather carry it on you.

At a restaurant
– If you have a bag, place it on your lap or on a bag clip underneath the table where you can see it.
– If you must place your bag on the floor, put one leg through the strap so that it can’t be taken.
– Make sure no one could reach into a pocket and remove items stored there.
– Avoid leaving your phone, wallet or purse on the table while seated.

In the car
– Smash and grab is a common technique that criminals employ. The perpetrators choose spots with easy access and escape and use the element of surprise to their advantage. While driving, valuables are better kept out of sight, in the boot or under the seats.
– Rather stay off your mobile phone until you reach your destination so you are not distracted.
– Never leave valuables locked in the car when you go into the shops.

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