Be cautious when receiving home deliveries

A private security company has urged residents, especially those who shop online, to be more vigilant when receiving their deliveries.

A PRIVATE security company has urged residents, especially those who shop online, to be more vigilant when receiving their deliveries.

Fidelity head of communications Charnel Hattingh said the move to online shopping and home deliveries has become more popular since the onset of the pandemic.

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‘Most South Africans have resorted to using online shopping to keep safe and to avoid large groups of people in shopping centres and malls.

‘Unfortunately, criminals are aware of this and courier vans have been targeted. There are two types of modus operandi; either the criminals pretend to be delivering goods and then rob unsuspecting residents, or they target courier vans making legitimate deliveries.

‘It is important to be vigilant when accepting deliveries. If a person is expecting a delivery, he or she must be aware of the surroundings and limit the amount of cash in their possession.

‘They must refrain from wearing expensive jewellery, and people must leave their cellphone in the house,’ Hattingh advises.

She offered the following additional safety tips:

• Do not open the gate, even if you are expecting a delivery. Rather sign for your goods through the gate and be absolutely sure there is noone around before opening your gate to retrieve your goods

• It is advisable to install a second security measure such as a security gate with an intercom at the front door. This gives you an extra level of defence and possibly a few minutes more to press the panic button if need be

• For your safety and the safety of the driver, make sure the area is well lit at night. Carry a torch for extra visibility

• Remember the social distancing rules and always wear a mask

• Make sure your children are inside when you accept a delivery. This is for their own safety
Panic buttons are key; residents should have easy access to a button if a crisis arises.

‘It’s no use if panic buttons are put in a cupboard somewhere and forgotten about.

They need to be easily accessible and we recommend that you have them in a pocket or hanging around your neck for quick access.

Panic buttons should also be checked regularly to ensure they are in good working condition,’ she concludes .

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