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eSikhaleni water supply interrupted again

Protesters shutdown Cubhu Lake water pumps just hours after water was restored

Hours after the water supply was restored to eSikhaleni cluster communities, it was cut, following reports of intimidation towards municipal workers at Cubhu Water Works earlier today (Monday).

According to the City of uMhlathuze, workers were threatened into shutting down operations by a group of protesters from communities that have been demanding Eskom restore their power.

Employees were already working overtime in an attempt to fill the main reservoir which stood empty for three days following the group’s initial threats last week.

As a result, taps remain dry in eSikhaleni township, oGobandlovu, Port Durnford, Dlangezwa, Mangezi reserve, Felixton, Iniwe and other areas.

‘Yesterday we had a meeting with the aggrieved group, and reached a conclusion to reopen the plant.

‘Water was pumped from 7pm until this morning when they threatened our employees.

‘We will attempt to engage with the protesting group again,’ said the city in a statement.

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