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WATCH: Illegal dumping in Empangeni suburbs

Anyone witnessing illegal dumping can report these to the local ward councillor, listed on the uMhlathuze municipality website.

RESIDENTS of Empangeni’s Starling Crescent in Nyala Park are irate that they now have to overlook a littered park which recently became an illegal dumping ground.

One such resident is Hannes Mouton whose property borders the park.

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‘People come and dump here every single day, whether it’s garden refuse, builders’ rubble or just general household waste – people do not seem to care. Word of mouth must have carried that this is the place to dump.’

According to the city’s by-laws, people found illegally dumping can be fined anything from R8 700 for a first offence up to R17 400 for a third offence.

Hannes Mouton has frequently contacted both the ward 23 councillor and the municipality but to no avail as people continue to dump on the site.

Anyone witnessing illegal dumping can report these to the local ward councillor, listed on the uMhlathuze municipality website.

Evidence such as the offender’s licence plate and any pictures will assist. Municipal issues can also be reported by visiting https://www.umhlathuzeward.org.za/ with individual ward numbers included before .org such as https://www.umhlathuzeward2.org.za/.

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