Keep focus on TB and HIV infection rates – MEC

KZN has the highest rates of tuberculosis (TB) and HIV infections countrywide

KZN has the highest rates of tuberculosis (TB) and HIV infections countrywide, which is particularly problematic against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic and a worsening economy.

To address the crisis, KZN Health MEC Nomagugu Simelane has challenged members of the provincial legislature to use their public standing and influence to help fight these diseases which are killing millions of people globally.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), people suffering from both TB and Covid-19 may have poorer treatment outcomes, especially if TB treatment is interrupted.

‘Although the province’s TB notification rate has declined, it is still more than double what WHO declares a crisis, given that TB is preventable and curable,’ Simelane said.

‘Our main worry are those people who get lost in the system when it comes to TB and HIV treatment.’

She explained that some begin with treatment then stop, either because of a lack of access to food, or because of the side-effects.

‘We call on those experiencing negative side-effects to come to our facilities. Defaulting from treatment is problematic, because it can lead to increased TB transmission as well as an increased risk of drug resistance, TB relapse and death,’ said Simelane.


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