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End of an era

With the recent passing of the last male northern white rhino, there are now just two female northern white rhino alive

NATURE lovers and conservationists are mourning the fact that the northern white rhino has become functionally extinct and it will not be long before this magnificent sub-species disappears into the history books.

With the recent passing of the last male northern white rhino, there are now just two female northern white rhino alive. Despite best efforts at artificial reproduction, no success has been achieved.

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The sub-species managed to survive 55 million years and saw ice ages, earthquakes, meteor strikes, and was testament to innumerable historical changes on the planet, but could not survive humans.

The northern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni), or northern square-lipped rhinoceros, is one of two sub-species of the white rhino (the other being the southern white rhinoceros).

Formerly found in several countries in East and Central Africa south of the Sahara, this subspecies is a grazer in grasslands and savanna woodland.

Since 19 March 2018, there are only two known rhinos of this sub-species left, called Najin and Fatu, both of which are female.

The two female rhinos belong to the Dvúr Kràlové Zoo in the Czech Republic, but live in the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya and are protected around the clock by armed guards.


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