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How vandalism of Telkom towers can affect you

This vandalism destroys back-up power that should keep communications active when lights go off

TELKOM has warned against the vandalism of network towers and theft of batteries, which not only costs the network provider money but affects cellular network connections, particularly during load-shedding.

In the past year alone, Telkom has lost 7 841 batteries. It says money spent to replace the batteries could have built about 35 new base stations.

‘This vandalism destroys back-up power that should keep communications active when lights go off. As a result, your productivity, connectivity and connection to those you need to be in touch with is affected,’ Telkom said in a statement.

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The vandalism and theft also negatively impacts the country’s economy on a macro level, as well as a large proportion of the population that needs to participate in the digital economy.

Here is how vandalism and battery theft can be detrimental to you and the country at large:

• It slows communications and connectivity down for all of us, both in our personal capacity and as a nation

• It negatively impacts people’s access to emergency services, disabling them from connecting to emergency services and putting people’s lives in danger

• It severely impacts local business operations

• It endangers the lives of those needing critical care in hospitals

• It disrupts educational programmes of our children and other students

• Removal of batteries from, and vandalising, network infrastructure at base stations, towers or any other sites, is illegal and a punishable offence, and is a violation of people’s right to access to information Network vandalism, battery theft or any inappropriate acts of network fraud or sabotage can be reported in the following 6 ways:

1. Telkom Hotline: 0800 124 000

2. Visit the Be Honest website: https://behonest..co.za/

3. By adding Telkom on WhatsApp at 081 2225999

4. Email at Telkomhotline@behonest.co.za

5. SMS 48691

6. Sending a postal letter to: BNT165, Brooklyn Square, 0075


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