WATCH: Cancer survivors invited to share stories of hope

The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) is calling on cancer survivors to share their journeys to give hope and inspire others still battling the disease

To mark its 90th anniversary, the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) is calling on cancer survivors to share their journeys to give hope and inspire others still battling the disease.

Looking for at least 90 cancer patients to write down their experiences, the collection of stories submitted by those who have been helped by CANSA will feature on their website this month.

CANSA will also commemorate International Cancer Survivors’ Day on Sunday with cancer patients and loved ones, and recognise the courage displayed by those affected by the disease as they go through diagnosis, treatment and side-effects, and the benefit of support throughout this journey from fellow survivors.

CANSA’s Head of Service, Gerda Strauss, said everyone knows how powerful a personal testimony can be, especially where someone is able to relate to this shared experience and draw parallels with their own lives.

The stories of how patients dealt with diagnosis, treatment and life after treatment can give hope to others who have just begun their cancer journey.

Stories can be submitted to, by email to or by calling CANSA’s help desk toll-free on 0800 22 66 22.

How CANSA continues to support communities

CANSA reminds those living with cancer of its care and support, which includes online support, and invites them to contact their local CANSA care centres.

CANSA provides CANSA care homes countrywide that cater for patients receiving treatment far from home.

The facilities offer accommodation, transport and meals, and stoma clinics offer support to patients with products, emotional support and advice. This includes the free

‘Tele Stoma’ support services to help patients via video calls with advice and support.

‘As social contact has been limited owing to the spread of Covid-19, online support has increased and CANSA launched its CANSA tele counselling service.

‘This is free cancer-specific counselling offered in seven languages (English, Afrikaans, isiXhosa, isiZulu, siSwati, seSotho and Setswana),’ said Strauss.

‘Support is also offered through our Facebook pages – Support Groups: CANSA Survivors – Champions of Hope and CANSA Caring for the Caregivers, as well as through our CANSA Help Desk via emails, phone calls and WhatsApp in English, Afrikaans, isiXhosa, isiZulu, SeSotho and siSwati.’

Other services include a 20-week email series, iSurvivor programme, offering support and guidance with a specific programme for metastatic breast cancer patients.

CANSA Tough Living with Cancer (TLC) support is available at CANSA care centres, giving emotional support and guidance to children, teens and families affected by cancer, and providing lodging for parents and guardians whose children are undergoing cancer treatment.  


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