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Wildlife patrols intercept poachers in eNseleni

Members recovered two gill nets on the river and retrieved one makeshift boat

A night operation at Enseleni Nature Reserve on Wednesday by Zululand Wildlife Crime Operations and Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Anti-poaching caught two poachers off guard.

Despite efforts to chase after them and comb the area, the suspects escaped by fleeing into the dense bushes but members did recover two gill nets on the river and retrieved one makeshift boat.

All fish were released but nine had died in the nets.

The unit, which started operations this year, comprises a dedicated group of volunteers and honorary officers who conduct anti-poaching operations on both water and land.

As a non-profit organisation, they are dependant on sponsors and donations for fuel, boat safety equipment, lighting equipment (hand held spotlights) and communication equipment to conduct the anti-poaching operations.

To support the anti-poaching efforts, donations can be made to:

Zululand Wildlife Crime Operations
First National Bank
ACC 62895817842
BRANCH 260150


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