Rabies vaccinations a legal requirement

In the King Cetshwayo district alone, 11 dogs have tested positive so far this year

Rabies is on the increase in KZN.

In the King Cetshwayo district alone, 11 dogs have tested positive so far this year – seven of which have been in the past three weeks.

To date this year, 49 dogs, one cow, one goat, a cat, two bats and a jackal have tested positive for rabies in KZN.

ALSO READ: Rabies is fatal but 100% preventable: owners urged to vaccinate their animals

Last year, 171 dogs tested positive in the province.

All pet owners are compelled by law to ensure pets are vaccinated against rabies, and that annual vaccinations are kept up to date.

A dog living in a fenced garden is not safe from rabies and not above the law.

Rabid animals jump fences or, very commonly, bite an animal on the nose through the fence while passing by.

The law says that if an unvaccinated animal comes into contact with a known positive case, the unvaccinated animal should be euthanised.

In a recent case, 14 healthy dogs had to be euthanised after having come into contact with a positive case.

This after the dogs either hadn’t been vaccinated, or their owners could not provide proof of rabies vaccinations.

The rabies awareness body in eShowe (RABIES) was formed in 2017 with the aim of raising awareness.

Led on the ground by Trudie Radloff and Caz Haines, the body’s dedicated volunteers assist with rabies vaccinations campaigns and vital education of pupils through school talks.

The Facebook page is managed by Dr Vanessa Meyer and Cathy Munro, offering weekly updates on the disease, as well as informative videos and relevant information.


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