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Opportunity for Grade 12 learners to explore entrepreneurship

Fewer Grade 12 learners leave school confident they have what it takes to be successful business owners

GRADE 12 pupils who want to explore entrepreneurship are urged to apply for the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation’s 2022 Fellowship Programme.

The programme affords learners an opportunity to explore business ideas and increase their skill set.

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‘Our education sector, from school through to tertiary studies, is primarily focused on turning out job seekers. This means fewer Grade 12s leave school confident they have what it takes to be successful business owners.

‘Our Fellowship programme is therefore designed to step into this gap, and ensure that as they undertake university studies, they are simultaneously exposed to entrepreneurial training and a community that passionately believes in the powerful possibilities of entrepreneurship,’ said Nontando Mthethwa, the Foundation’s Head of Public Affairs and Communications.

Are you a Grade 12 who ticks these boxes?
• South African citizenship
• 21 years of age or younger in 2021
• Minimum of 60% in pure mathematics or a minimum of 80% in mathematical literacy for final Grade 11 results
• Minimum average of 70% for final Grade 11 results (excluding life orientation)
• Intention to study towards a commerce, science (excluding medicine, veterinary science and dentistry); engineering, law, humanities or arts degree at the University of the Witwatersrand, University of Johannesburg, University of Cape Town, Nelson Mandela University, Rhodes University, University of the Western Cape, Stellenbosch University, University of Pretoria, University of the Free State or University of KwaZulu-Natal
• Indications of an entrepreneurial mindset
• Belief in the future of South Africa
Visit www.allangrayorbis.org to download an application form or to apply online. Closing date for applications is 30 April.

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