PUBLIC NOTICE: Construction at RBIDZ

PUBLIC NOTICE: Construction of Nyanza Light Metals (PTY) Ltd Technical Service Centre at the Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone Company Soc Ltd (RBIDZ)

The Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone Company SOC Ltd (RBIDZ) will be commencing construction activities at the RBIDZ Phase 1F estate in Richards Bay. The activities include the construction of the Nyanza Light Metals’ Technical Services Centre by Grinaker-LTA (G-LTA).

G-LTA is the 100% black-owned company that has been appointed by the RBIDZ to design and construct the top structure for the Technical Services Centre, which will house Nyanza’s semi-production plant. The duration for the construction of the TSC is anticipated to be 12 months from date of commencement.

Nyanza Light Metals (Pty) Ltd is a chemical manufacturing company established in 2011, which has begun the process of building titanium dioxide (TiO2) pigment production plant at the Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone (RBIDZ). Titanium dioxide (TiO2) pigment is widely used in the manufacturing of products such as paints, industrial coatings, plastics, papers, inks, foods, medicines (i.e. pills and tablets), as well as most toothpastes.

The project is in line with the RBIDZ’s mandate of being a purpose-built and secure industrial estate tailored for the manufacturing of goods and production of services to boost beneficiation, investments, economic growth, job creation and the development of skills.

Project Location

Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone, Phase 1F Estate, Alumina Allee, Alton North, Richards Bay.

Site Coordinates

(28°44’33.87″S 32°01’57.68″E) Richards Bay.

Project Allocated Erven

Erf 16786, Erf 16787, Erf 16788, Erf 16789 and Erf 16817. The project will, in total, occupy 65ha of the 110 hectares of Phase 1F.


Construction is expected to commence on 26 March 2021 and completion is expected to take an estimated period of 12 months. Standard working hours are between 7am – 5pm Monday – Friday, Saturday 7am – 3pm. Sunday and public holidays – Closed (barring any unforeseen conditions). Schedule updates will be available on the RBIDZ’s website at:

Enquiries can be directed to the RBIDZ at

PUBLIC INTERRUPTIONS:  No interruptions are anticipated.

POSSIBLE INCONVENIENCES: Any foreseen inconveniences will be communicated publicly.

RBIDZ is a Special Economic Zone that is a state-owned entity under the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (EDTEA), KwaZulu – Natal.

Date of Notice: 18 March 2021

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