Community volunteers support Covid-19 patients

The initiative has seen community members of Brackenham, KwaMbonambi, Aquadene, Arboretum and Veldenvlei benefit

Offering a helping hand to patients affected by Covid-19, the Ward 26 civic group has been distributing masks, hygiene products, sanitisers, Covid-19 care packs and food parcels over the past three months to families who cannot afford these essential items.

The initiative, supported by businesses and local residents, has seen community members of Brackenham, KwaMbonambi, Aquadene, Arboretum and Veldenvlei benefit from the donations.

The civic group’s Rivash Haribans said it has been a collective effort of committee members who began lobbying for donations when the number of positive cases in the ward began to escalate last year.

‘We identified a need in our communities as many patients battling with the virus were unable to afford essential medical supplies to help boost their immunity and improve their health, as well as food parcels to sustain them through their recovery period.

‘In addition to fighting the virus, residents were also dealing with other challenges such as losing their incomes, jobs and being unable to meet their financial obligations.

Dealing with grief and trauma after losing loved ones to the virus was an extra burden.

‘Families are receiving eviction notices from their landlords as they can no longer afford rentals or settle overdue municipal rates. Many have had their electricity cut off,’ said Haribans.

‘We are dealing strictly in donations, and if anyone wants to support our cause, they can make contact and we will advise them what is needed.’

Anyone interested in supporting the initiative can contact Rivash on 071 3898538.


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