Take safety precautions this festive season

Residents are urged to be vigilant and to take precautions so as not to fall victim to opportunistic crime

SECURITY structures warn against leaving gates open at night, as this encourages opportunistic crime.

This warning comes after Wednesday night’s patrol, during which the CPF members noticed numerous houses’ and complex’s gates had been left open.

ALSO READ: Know your rights at roadblocks these holidays

The result of this was that a unit within a complex was broken into, because of the easy access.

Aside from theft, the public holiday saw a collaboration between SAPS, Traffic Police and the City of uMhlathuze security officials, in monitoring lockdown regulations and preventing beach access.

It’s reported that one vehicle with four intoxicated occupants attempted to gain access to the beach late on Wednesday night, with SAPS Waterwing notified.

A few other curfew breakers were found drinking in the car park at one of the supermarkets after midnight.

Ward 2 councillor Christo Botha, who visited all the hot spot areas in his ward, gave the traffic department and SAPS a ‘huge thumbs up’.

‘There was strong law enforcement everywhere and nothing to be concerned about,’ he said.

Law enforcement and curfew clampdowns will continue throughout the festive season.  


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