Eskom announces new vending contracts for pre-paid electricity

Pre-paid customers are encouraged to buy electricity online during the transition period

ESKOM has announced that the national vending contract for pre-paid customers comes to an end today (Monday).

The new vending contract comes into effect tomorrow, but the change means that some pre-paid customers may no longer be able to buy electricity tokens from their usual vending points.

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Major banks and retailers will remain authorised vendors.

New vendors include:
* CigiCell (Pty) Ltd
* Contour Technology (Pty) Ltd
* Ontec Systems (Pty) Ltd
* R&A Cellular (Pty) Ltd
* Sandulela Technology (Pty) Ltd

Eskom said the process of buying tokens will remain the same, with customers using their meter numbers to buy pre-paid electricity.

All authorised vendors will prominently display a sign saying they are an authorised Eskom vendor.

These new vendors are in addition to the major banks, petrol stations, supermarkets and national retail stores already on the system.

A full list of authorised vendors is reflected on Eskom’s website.

‘In the short term, some of the usual shops or cash-and-carry stores may not be able to sell pre-paid electricity, but this is being addressed as the new vendors will get them on board soon,’ said Eskom.

‘Provision has been made for a smooth handover, however customers are urged to purchase their electricity vouchers on or before 30 November (today) at their current local vending points if they are able to.

‘Alternatively, please buy your pre-paid vouchers in the first week of December at your closest retail store, supermarket or petrol station.

‘The online vending facilities such as buying on online banking and other online services will still be available, and customers are encouraged to use these as much as possible during the transition period,’ said Eskom.


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