Massive municipal debt write-off for commercial customers of uMlalazi Municipality

This is to assist the distressed business community that was hit hard by lockdown and other economic challenges

AFTER a year of business struggles, commercial customers of the uMlalazi Local Municipality will be given major relief.

As part of the response to economic recovery, the municipality has decided to write off 50% of all debts for all customers.

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According to Mayor Cllr Thelumoya Zulu, this is to assist the distressed business community that was hit hard by lockdown and other economic challenges facing the country.

‘Among those hardest hit by the shutdown are those in the tourism and hospitality industry who were completely closed down until the country moved to alert Level 2.

‘The municipality has used funds from its additional equitable share allocation, which was promulgated in the supplementary budget tabled by the Minister of Finance in June this year.

‘The incentive scheme targets the business fraternity that has arrears debt, as residential debtors are catered for in the council’s indigent policy,’ said Zulu.

He said the municipality will write off 50% of the balance owed by 30 September.

‘All commercial debtors who are taxpayers in the municipality are encouraged to take advantage of this incentive relief scheme by settling their arrears accounts on or before Thursday, 31 December,’ he concluded.



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