Wrist watches – a mere fashion statement?

Many people wear wrist watches that don't even work, but regard it merely as a fashion statement

I LOVE wearing a wrist watch. I feel incomplete without it.

I have different designs, shapes and colours – all done with different materials.

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But over the weekend I realised, as much as I own many of them, most people wearing wrist watches don’t really use them to tell time.

I was disappointed and this took me on a mission, determined to find out if there were other people like me out there.

For two days I conducted my own private survey by randomly asking 20 people of different genders and races to tell me the time.

The results were surprising.

Only four of the 20 looked at their watches. Most checked the time on their cell phones, and when I asked why they didn’t check their watches, all said they wear them as a fashion statement.

Some revealed the watches they were wearing haven’t been working for a year or more, but they did not see the need to repair them to tell time as they simply loved the designs and brand names.

Following this, I did some research about any studies about this phenomenon and found a recent report in The Wall Street Journal which revealed watches remain popular and 86% of people still own one.

To my surprise, the report also revealed that even though many people still own watches and wear them daily, they rather check the time on their phones, computers and other devices that tell the time.

But don’t take my word for it. Conduct your own survey.

Ask 10 people to give you the time and see the response. The results may surprise you.


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