Kindness challenge blesses others

Richards Bay Primary School's 30-day kindness challenge was in celebration of World Kindness Day

THE 30-day Kindness Challenge at Richards Bay Primary School, hosted by foundation phase head, Prof Rose Reddy, culminated on Friday.

Pupils engaged in colouring-in competitions, creative writing activities, poems and speech, and winners were awarded with gifts sponsored by Bell Equipment and JetChem.

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The highlight of the day was the Bell helicopter landing on the school grounds with the HODs and ‘Captain Kindness’, Prof Reddy, disembarking.

Representatives from Richards Bay Family Care and the SPCA were present to receive the toys, shoes, clothing and books.

‘If today’s event has changed but one heart; then we have made a difference. The seeds thrown out will surely take root, growing into gigantic trees bearing the fruit of kindness,’ said Prof Reddy.

‘As Amelia Earhart, said, ‘A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves’.


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