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Richards Bay burn victim kitten finds forever home

As soon as he came into the care of the SPCA, the devoted animal lovers ensured he received much-needed medical treatment and nursed him back to health

MEET Salt, a tiny kitten whose life began with no hope of survival until a caring member of the community dropped him off at Richards Bay SPCA for a fresh start.

Rescued from a bus shelter alongside a busy road, the terrified kitten, who was to become known as Salt, needed urgent medical care for burnt paws and damage to the middle of his tail.

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As soon as he came into the care of the SPCA, the devoted animal lovers ensured he received much-needed medical treatment, nursed him back to health and placed him up for adoption when the time was right. Last week, Salt’s life truly began when he was adopted into his very own loving, forever family.

‘This boy has come a long way,’ said SPCA Chairperson, Annamare Coetzee.

‘He received the much-needed medical treatment and lots of tender loving care from staff members to help him get through his awful ordeal.’

There are many success stories like Salt’s story, but the SPCA needs ongoing support from the public to ensure the NPO is able to carry out its mandate.

‘Please keep on supporting us – help us to help the abused, abandoned and neglected.’

Donations of food are always welcome, but especially at this time of year as it is breeding season and the SPCA is always inundated with kittens and puppies that are either unwanted or found abandoned.

Food is needed by the SPCA, as are blankets, food bowls and toys.

For more information on how you can help the Richards Bay SPCA, contact its Meerensee offices on 035 7532086.  

Salt when he was brought in to the SPCA


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