
A mastectomy is not the end of a journey

Life Empangeni Private Hospital offers full support for breast cancer patients

Although October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Life Empangeni Private Hospital resident Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Dr Bruce Lelala says awareness on the topic should be raised throughout the year.

‘Breast cancer is one of the leading cancers affecting the population worldwide. It is easily treatable – if caught early. That is why it is crucial that we talk about it and educate people about this common form of cancer,’ says Dr Lelala.

Dr Lelala urges women – and men – to do regular self-examinations of the breasts.

‘Look out for lumps or abnormal changes,’ he says. ‘People who have a family history of breast cancer should pay special attention. I recommend they visit a genetics specialist to do a BRCA test and see if they have a higher risk of breast cancer.’

Dr Lelala further encourages lifestyle changes to curb the onset of breast cancer. Quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption and re-evaluate your use of contraceptives.

‘It is important that you consult a doctor as soon as you discover a lump. Do not delay! The doctor will send you for an imaging mammogram. If there is a suspicious lesion on the mammogram scan then you will be sent for an ultrasound guided biopsy and referred to a specialist.

‘At Life Empangeni Private Hospital, we have a whole team of specialists who will take care of the breast cancer patient’s treatment.’

The team consists of an oncologist, breast surgeon, plastic surgeon and a psychologist. ‘We will answer all the patients’ questions and together plan the management of the cancer – from consultation to surgery, post-operative treatment (chemotherapy and radio therapy) and access to support groups.

‘The sooner the treatment, the better the outcome and the less intense the treatment,’ Dr Lelala says. As Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr Lelala stresses that breast cancer patients should not fear a mastectomy.

‘A mastectomy should not be viewed as the end of a journey. There are options available for the immediate reconstruction of the breast directly after a mastectomy,’ he says, explaining that in many cases, reconstructive surgery takes place at the same time that a mastectomy is performed.

‘Our aim is for patients to never go through a process where they don’t have breasts, but this obviously depends on the individual case and the stage of the cancer,’ Dr Lelala says.

Apart from reconstructive breast surgery, Dr Lelala also specialises in congenital deformities (such as cleft lip & palate) and reconstructive surgery on trauma and burns patients.

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Regrettably, visitation in areas in which confirmed, or suspected, COVID-19 patients are being cared for remains suspended. For critically ill patients in these areas limited visitation with special permission of hospital management may be allowed, and in consultation with the treating doctor. Special measures will be required in such situations to protect the health of the visiting family members and hospital employees. Our nurses are sensitive to the strain on family members in such situations and will do their best to accommodate both the needs and the safety of family members. Our nurses will continue to keep family members updated on the condition of the patient and, wherever possible, will facilitate communication with patients through electronic means such as video calls.

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