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Call to support principals and teachers on World Teachers’ Day

Principals hold a powerful leadership role in helping to create conditions for effective teaching and learning

EMPOWERING and upskilling principals is key to addressing challenges faced by teachers.

This is the message of leadership and education non-profit organisation, Symphonia for South Africa (SSA), on World Teacher’s Day which is celebrated annually on 5 October.

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‘School principals hold powerful leadership roles in helping to create conditions for effective teaching and learning.

‘They influence capacities of teachers and the environment and climate that they work in, which in turn shapes classroom practices and learning outcomes.

‘When principals attain leadership competencies, confidence and energy to lead, the benefits ripple out to the teaching staff. They become re-energised and their morale is significantly boosted,’ said Dorcas Dube, Marketing and Communications Manager for SSA.

Dube has called on relevant stakeholders to be at the forefront of addressing challenges faced by teachers, who are an important component of shaping future generations.

‘Those who care about education and the future of South Africa are best positioned to make a tangible difference.

‘Now is the time to amplify our efforts to ensure that teachers feel supported in every school and in every community – for the benefit of every child.’


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