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Seven signs you may need help for gambling

Gambling addiction has a hugely detrimental impact on society, but if the signs are identified, the necessary help can be sought. 

WHEN does a simple wager on a game of chance stop being harmless fun?

Gambling addiction has a hugely detrimental impact on society, but if the signs are identified, the necessary help can be sought.

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Dr Mike West, Akeso Milnerton Clinic Psychiatrist, shares seven warning signs of a gambling disorder.

1. Do you conceal the extent of your gambling?

2. Do you gamble to escape life’s problems?

3. Are you making increasingly larger bets, either in an attempt to make up for losses, or for the thrill?

4. When you aren’t gambling, do you feel irritable or depressed?

5. Do you ‘crave’ gambling or spend a lot of time thinking about gambling?

6. Have you had difficulties in the workplace because of gambling?

7. Is your gambling negatively affecting your personal relationships?

If these questions resonate, Dr West recommends an in-depth assessment.

‘There is no judgement in the assessment or treatment of mental health conditions, including gambling use disorder,’ said Dr West.

‘Once an individual develops an addiction to gambling, it becomes increasingly difficult for them to refrain from this behaviour without professional support.’

Therapy for gambling use disorder may involve counselling, psychotherapy and medication, if necessary.

‘Although it may not be easy to break free from gambling use disorder, it is achievable, particularly with support from experienced mental health professionals,’ he said.


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