Four ways to lower your electricity bill this winter

A study conducted by Statistics SA revealed that around 33 per cent of South African's money is spent on housing, electricity and water

THE lockdown and resultant closure of many economic activities has affected jobs and salaries, consequently bringing financial strain to many households.

A study conducted by Statistics SA has revealed that around 33 percent of South Africans’ money is spent on housing, electricity and water.

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In light of this data, Eskom has shared a few effective tips that homeowners can take to reduce their electricity usage this winter:

1. Switch off: The first and easiest way to reduce usage to to switch off unnecessary lights. When buying light bulbs, consider fluorescent lamps and light-emitting diodes. These lamps use around 80 percent less energy and last eight to 15 percent longer than incandescent bulbs.

2. Hot water: boil enough water only for the number of cups of tea or coffee you are making. Make use of a hot water bottle to keep warm instead of an electric blanket.

3. Natural heat: be sure to take advantage of natural heat from the sun to keep your rooms warm during the day by opening your curtains.

4. Laundry: try not to wash your clothes at high temperatures unless you are required to do so. Most laundry detergents are designed to work effectively at around 30 degrees or lower.


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