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The search for shark art is on

Help make the ocean safer for sharks while you’re in #isolation

YOU can be part of an exciting art project linked to a marine conservation effort to save sharks and other marine animals, including endangered humpback dolphins.

Safe for Sharks KZN is looking for artistic renderings of shark species found in KwaZulu-Natal for an animated educational video about the use of shark nets and baited drumlines.

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They will hold an online vote for the winner from the top 10 entries and results will be announced on 8 June – World Oceans Day.

Submission guidelines 
• Must be a high quality digital file up to 25MB (pdf, png, tiff, or jpg only)
• Must represent species from KwaZulu-Natal
• Send your submissions to safeforsharks@gmail.com by Tuesday, 2 June
• Simple is best! Illustrations will be digitally animated: keep to three colours maximum.
Follow @Safe4SharksKZN on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for contest updates and shark news from KZN.
Contact safeforsharks@gmail.com for more details.




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