Things to do during lockdown

End the boredom during lockdown

SOUTH African’s have really battled to wrap their heads around the national lockdown, and have tried almost everything to reduce their boredom at home but have started running out of ideas.

Here is a short list of awesome ideas to keep you busy during these uncertain times and help boost the spirits.

Watch a film

DStv, Netflix and Amazon Prime are not the only options currently out there for people to watch plenty of excellent films.

Openculture has a great list of 1 150 free films that you can watch online at any given time.

If you have a legitimate university or library card, you might also have access to Kanopy, which offers thousands more film options for free.

Tour ancient Rome

Try out some time travel by utilising current technology to explore other cities online, such as the virtual tour of ancient Rome.

Explore the Uffizi

If you prefer Botticelli to Pollock, you can tour the Uffizi in Florence, arguably one of the best collections of Renaissance art in the world.

You can take your time looking at Botticelli’s Birth of Venus, Caravaggio’s Medusa and Titian’s Venus of Urbino without even getting on a plane.

Have a karaoke night 

Host a karaoke night from home by using apps like AirConsole, which allow you to turn your smartphone into a mic and sing your favourite hits with the usual gang and practice new songs to sing at the bar once lockdown is lifted.

Try a fitness challenge

There are plenty of fitness challenges you can try out at home, so you can emerge from lockdown fitter, leaner and stronger.

Try out the 100 pushup challenge, squat challenge, or just doing a 30-day bodyweight workout challenge to stay healthy at home – for free.

Arrange a houseparty 

Do a virtual houseparty by using an app that allows for large group video chats so you can get together for a drink, a chat, or just to see some friendly faces for a couple of hours.

Play a board game

Board game lovers will be pleased to know that there are ways to play your favourite games online.

Websites such as Tabletopia have free accounts for players, but you may need to pay to play some of the more popular or newer games.

Learn a language

Always wanted to speak foreign languages?

Lockdown gives you plenty of time to dedicate to learning a new language, brushing up on vocabulary, and testing out pronunciation.

Go to the aquarium

Take your children to the aquarium.

The Monterey Bay Aquarium have added a number of live cams to let you keep an eye on the jellyfish, kelp forest, coral reef, and even the penguins, completely free.

Stretch out with a yoga class

De-stress and stay healthy during lockdown by joining online yoga classes.

Start a blog

This could be a great time to build your audience, especially if you have relatively cheap, indoor hobbies that you can share.

You can set up a WordPress account and blog for free, and take it from there.


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