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Unions appeal to health portfolio committee

Chairperson of the Health Portfolio Committee, NR Majola, said unions are one of the critical stakeholders in the system

THE KZN Health Portfolio Committee has convened an urgent meeting between unions and the Department of Health after numerous concerns were raised on behalf of health workers.

Earlier this week the portfolio committee listened as unions listed numerous areas of dissatisfaction with the Health MEC and department management.

The virtual meeting was hosted by the portfolio committee and sought the unions’ views on the implications of Covid-19 in the workplace.

PAWUSA, DENOSA, SAMA, NEHAWU, and SAEPU unions were involved in the meeting at which they accused the department and the MEC of failing to provide answers to many questions pertaining to health and safety issues of workers amid Covid-19.

These include the alleged failure by the department to provide unions with the department’s Covid-19 action plan, failure to establish Occupational Health Committees across health institutions, and failure to provide a sustainable plan for the provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Provincial Secretary of NEHAWU, Ayanda Zulu, said the union is representing some healthcare workers who have been charged for refusing to collect a Covid-19 positive patient without being supplied with protective clothing.

Dr Bikitya of the South African Medical Association (SAMA) said, ‘There is a breakdown in the relationship between the Department of Health and the workers, the relationship is not at a desirable stage.’

The Health Portfolio Committee was asked by the unions to intervene and to put pressure on the department to ensure that investigations into Covid-19 infections of workers at private hospitals are concluded speedily.

The meeting between the Department of Health and unions, facilitated by the Health Portfolio Committee, has been convened for this Friday.



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