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Government U-turn on cigarette sales sparks much debate among Zululanders

We asked Zululanders how they feel about the government's decision to backtrack on allowing the sale of cigarettes under level four

GOVERNMENT’S decision to backtrack on lifting the ban on the sale of cigarettes has sparked outrage among the smoking community.

Briefing the nation on Wednesday evening, minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, announced that the ban on tobacco would remain in place during stage four of the lockdown, despite President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement that sales would be allowed.

Dlamini-Zuma said they were forced to reconsider after the effects of smoking in spreading the Covid-19 virus were discussed with the National Command Council.

She said that during consultation, around 2 000 objections from the public were taken into consideration.

Many health experts have backed the decision, but smokers have expressed their frustration.

Many smokers have admitted to supporting the black market, claiming that the illegal cigarette trade is thriving during lockdown.

The ZO asked some readers for their responses on the announcement.

Margaretha Meaker said her son suffers from agoraphobia (anxiety disorder) and was advised by a specialist to smoke to help keep him calm.

‘Who knows what is going to happen now. I feel like running away because I won’t be able to control him if he can’t smoke.’

Zeanle Maloney said it should be up to individuals to decide if they want to smoke or not.

‘The lockdown and all the measures they put in place was a good decision, but I don’t agree with the ban of cigarettes. It’s an individual’s own choice if they want to smoke or not and the government shouldn’t dictate that.

Cindy Kay said she is furious.

‘I’m fuming. Who gives 2 000 people the right to be heard and not us who ask for the ban to be lifted? Because of the lack of smokes people are going to be forced to share to have the little they have last longer.’

ALSO READ: Health MEC leads Covid-19 screening drive in eSikhaleni



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