KZN DoH Deputy Director General urges community to take coronavirus seriously

Awareness campaign on coronavirus

KZN Department of Health Deputy Director General, Mfowethu Zungu, has appealed to the community of Ngwelezana to stay safe from the coronavirus, saying the impact of the virus needed a changed attitude.

Zungu addressed the community of Ward 27 under the City of uMhlathuze at the Ngwelezana community hall on Saturday.

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‘We need to create public awareness about the virus. This has been declared as a national disaster and we cannot simply be spectators.

‘We have to spread the message of the dangers of the coronavirus and educate everyone about preventative measures to be taken to defeat this dreaded virus,’ Zungu said.

He assured local communities that his department would continue with roadshows aimed at empowering local communities with knowledge throughout the province.

*The public is advised to call the coronavirus hotline on 0800 029 999 with any suspected cases, or to report or obtain information relevant to the pandemic



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