Skydivers to raise rhino bucks

Following the very successful event last year, this year's one will be combined with the Horings en Dorings festival in Hluhluwe

PROJECT Rhino KZN will be holding its popular Skydive for Rhinos fund-raiser over seven days between 6 and 12 May.

Following the very successful event last year, this year’s one will be combined with the Horings en Dorings festival in Hluhluwe.

Badenhorst Boerdery will host the fund-raiser at their airstrip off the R22 (Hluhluwe to Sodwana Bay road).

Jumpers are requested to raise at least R5 000 for Project Rhino through sponsorship.

Participants need to weigh under 100kg and not have any heart conditions.

Young adults aged between 12 and 18 may jump provided they have guardian or parental consent.

As an added benefit to Project Rhino KZN, the organisers of the Horings en Dorings festival (being held over the

weekend of 9 and 10 May), will donate R10 from each entry to the fund-raiser.

Project Rhino KZN asks the public to be brave and take this big jump for rhinos.

To register or for more information, contact Carlien Esterhuizen at or visit



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