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If at first you don’t succeed, just try, try and try again until you do

She has failed matric five times, but that never stopped her from trying again and she was determined to make this year different

FAILURE is not an option for Nontobeko Mzimela (23) of eSikhaleni.

She has failed matric five times, but that never stopped her from trying again and she was determined to make this year different.

And she did just that.

Not only did she pass with flying colours, but earned two distinctions and passed all her other subjects with level 6.

‘It has been a very difficult journey, but I’m glad I never gave up on myself but persevered,’ she said.

Nontobeko wrote her first exams in 2014 and was crushed when she failed.

In 2015 she went back to school and her attempts were again fruitless.

‘In 2016 I wrote exams in only two subjects that I had failed, and still I didn’t pass.

‘I almost gave up but tried to upgrade my subjects in 2017, but still didn’t make it.

‘I was very depressed and heartbroken, especially because people around me also became disappointed.

‘In 2018 I went back to Grade 11 at Dlamvuzo and passed well to advance to Grade 12, and that’s when I told myself I had to make sure I passed this year,’ said an emotional Nontobeko.

Apart from being a team leader at weekend and afternoon classes, Nontobeko was also at the forefront of her school’s academic programme.

After receiving her results, Nontobeko shared her story on Facebook and it soon went viral.

Zululanders are not only touched by it, but continue to send words of congratulations as well as sharing the story on their timelines.

Nontobeko will soon pursue a degree in law or nursing at the University of Zululand.



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