Clamping down on illegal immigrants

An official community crossing point between South Africa and Mozambique established

IN a bid to clamp down on illegal immigrants crossing between South Africa and Mozambique, Deputy Home Affairs Minister Njabulo Nzuza recently visited the border crossing area in Manguzi.

The KwaPhuza border line, or Gate 6 as it is commonly known, is a popular trading spot for vendors between the two countries and has been earmarked for the establishment of an official community crossing point.

The idea is to simplify the movement of community members, allowing them to cross the border for family visits without having to travel to a port of entry.

Many in these communities need to cross the border on a weekly, or even daily basis to study, work, shop and visit family members.

The purpose of Nzuza’s visit was to assess progress.

‘We want to make sure we identify the problems regarding illegal immigration because it is at the borders where we have allowed people to come through illegally,’ said Nzuza.

‘We’re now going to make sure that we make it easier for visitors who have proper papers to come into South Africa and make it extremely difficult, in fact nearly impossible, for those without papers to enter South Africa.’


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