No H1N1 virus outbreak in KZN

Those who display worrying signs such as chest pain or shortness of breath, are strongly advised to seek medical attention

WHILE the Department of Health says there is no outbreak of the influenza A (H1N1) virus in the province, parents have nevertheless been urged to be on the look-out for warning signs of severe influenza.

MEC Nomagugu Simelane-Zulu on Wednesday said the department has been inundated with calls from schools and parents expressing concern that their children are infected with the H1N1 virus.

This follows the death of a 9-year-old girl from Pietermaritzburg who was reported to have contracted the virus.

‘The little girl had displayed flu-like symptoms, but her case was not confirmed because no samples were taken by the doctor.

‘As a precautionary measure and to aid the investigation process by the department, the girl’s sibling tested positive for influenza A (H1N1), but has recovered and discharged.

‘The children’s grandmother, who also had to be hospitalised, has recovered, but her test results are currently outstanding,’ said Simelane-Zulu.

She said the virus, which appeared for the first time in 2009 causing a global influenza pandemic, is now a seasonal influenza virus.

‘It is not a notifiable disease and is thus treated as a normal flu.

‘We call on authorities at schools, doctors, as well as members of the community to exercise restraint, because by referring to an outbreak without being absolutely sure, we may begin to create unnecessary panic and alarm, which helps no one,’ she said.

Those who display worrying signs such as chest pain or shortness of breath, are however advised to seek medical attention.

All districts are currently completing flu vaccines to the high risk groups:

• Pregnant women – irrespective of stage of pregnancy

• HIV-infected persons

• Adults or children at high risk for influenza-related complications because of underlying medical conditions

• All persons aged 65 years and above, residents of old age homes.


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