
4000 entrants in 2019 Mondi Schools Challenge

Learners and NGOs benefit from Mondi investment

This year’s Mondi Schools Challenge saw 4000 entries – including children, adults and even babies in strollers – completing the 5km scenic route around Richards Bay’s Bay Hall coastal area.

It took place on Sunday 14 July 2019.

The Mondi Schools Challenge has become a fun-filled annual event, with the aim of raising funds for Mondi’s various CSI projects.

Local schools are encouraged to enter all their learners, with big cash prizes up for grabs for the schools with the most participants.

Richards Bay Primary School won for a second consecutive year, with Arboretum Primary taking second place and Bay Primary winning third place.


Richards Bay Primary School won R21 000 for its effort, with Arboretum Primary bagging R17 000 and R15 000 going to Bay Primary.

The charities to benefit from this year’s proceeds are:

  •  Amangwe Village
  • Richards Bay Family Care
  • Emp Child and Family Care
  • Lifeline Zululand




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