Simple life hacks to make life easier

Eleven ways to improve life

WHEN life throws lemons at you, make lemonade.

Listed below are a few easy life hacks that you can do to make your life easier at a low cost.

Waterproof your shoes

Spread beeswax all over your shoes and use a hair dryer to melt the beeswax until you can no longer see it.

Dry clothes faster

If you don’t have a dryer and need to dry your clothes quickly, here’s what you can do.

Place your wet clothing on a dry towel and roll the towel with the garment inside.

Pick it up, and twist it as tightly as possible to squeeze out the excess water.

Once excess water has drained, hang the clothes on a hanger to dry fully

Smelly shoes

Place a few dry tea bags inside the shoes to absorb the bad smell.

If shoes are wet, fill them with a mixture of rice and baking soda and leave for a few days.

Tight shoes

If your new shoes feel too tight, stuff each shoe with wet newspaper as tightly as you can and leave them to dry, before removing the newspaper.

Start a fire

Chips are not just a tasty snack.

The fat, oil, and chemicals in the potato chips make them perfect fire-starting material.

Find small lost items

Cover the end of a vacuum cleaner with a stocking and start searching.

Just check from time to time to see if the object you are looking for is already there.

Remove toilet bowls stains

Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl, and leave it overnight.

Then wash it with soapy water and flush clean.

Unclog drains easily

Run hot water down the drain for a minute, and then sprinkle one cup of baking soda down the drain.

Slowly pour one cup of vinegar down the drain. and flush one more time with hot or boiling water.

Clean the shower head

To clean your shower head, fill a plastic bag with white vinegar and secure it to the shower head with an elastic band.

Allow it to soak in the vinegar overnight, and remove the bag in the morning.

Body odour

If you forgot to put on deodorant, cut a fresh lemon or orange into two halves and just rub it onto your skin and the body odour will disappear.

Make ice last longer

When you go out, sprinkle salt on the ice in the cooler box so that it stays frozen for much longer.


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