Better safe than sorry

Empangeni Community Policing Forum (CPF) Chairperson, Zonita Grobbelaar, said four people were reported missing last month - an increase compared to previous months.

WITH a rise in the number of missing local people, communities are urged to take the matter seriously.

Empangeni Community Policing Forum (CPF) Chairperson, Zonita Grobbelaar, said four people were reported missing last month – an increase compared to previous months.
‘Despite the fact that many people often willingly leave home or are found later, we just never know.
‘Hijackings and robberies are on the increase and sometimes people think that a person has simply run away or just disappeared because they have done it before, when in fact, they could be in serious danger.’

Grobbelaar said many people still believed they had to wait before opening a missing person’s case.
‘The first 24 hours are extremely important in trying to find someone, so people should not wait before going to the police.
‘We also see many people putting out their own notices on social media for example, but the proper way is to open a case at the police station. Thereafter, the CPF will assist in creating and distributing posters which are shared nationally.’
Grobbelaar said following the correct procedures was important, especially when it involved children.
‘Last week we had an incident where a child was reported missing but found after about 72 hours at a friend’s house. But this should not stop parents from opening a case immediately, especially when we live in a world where child trafficking is a reality.’

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