Some reminders when you vote

Community policing forums (CPF), police and the IEC have combined efforts to try and ensure that voting stations will be safe environments on the big day

The nation is coming together to cast their votes in the national and provincial elections on Wednesday.

Community policing forums (CPF), police and the IEC have combined efforts to try and ensure that voting stations will be safe environments on the big day.

Before making your mark, here are some tips to remember:

• Do not forget your ID as proof of identification. Once you enter the voting station, your old ID should be stamped by an elections officer to prove that you took part in the elections.

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• You can request assistance If you are visually or physically impaired and missed the special voting process, you are still able to vote at your registered station. When you arrive, speak to the presiding officer. If you are visually impaired, you may request a universal ballot template.

• Your thumb will be inked The mark on your thumb nail could remain visible for up to seven days.

• Check that you receive two ballot papers You should have one ballot paper for the national elections and another for provincial. If you are out of your registered voting district, you can vote at another voting station in your province. If you are outside the province you are registered in, you will only be able to vote for the national elections.

ALSO READ: All you need to know about election day

• Ensure that both ballot papers are stamped. If your papers are not stamped, your vote will not be counted

• You can ask for a new ballot paper if you made a mistake To make your mark, you should place an X in the box next to the party you chose. You will only be allowed one new ballot paper in the event of making an error.

• You are not allowed to take photographs with your ballot paper. Save the selfies for after you cast your vote!


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