What you need to know about the electoral code of conduct

There are a number of activities prohibited by the code

THE electoral code of conduct, contained in the Electoral Act, is in place to promote conditions that are conducive to free and fair election processes.

This ensures the tolerance of democratic political activity, free political campaigning and open public debate.

There are a number of activities prohibited by the code, preventing any party or candidate from:

Using language or acting in a way that may provoke violence or the intimidation of anyone
Publish false or defamatory allegations in respect of a party, its candidates, representatives or members.

Plagiarising the symbols, colours or acronyms of any other registered party.

ALSO READ: Facts about the election process

Discriminating on the grounds of race, ethnicity, gender, class or religion.

Offering an inducement or reward to join the party, attend a meeting, vote or abstain from voting, or refuse nomination.

Carrying or displaying weapons at a political event.

Preventing access to voters by other parties or candidates.

Defacing, removing or destroying billboards, placards, posters or any other election material of another party or candidate.

Abusing a position of power to influence the outcome of an election.

Anyone who witnesses or suspects a party or candidate of breaching the code of conduct can report the incident to the Electoral Court.

The Secretary of the court can be contacted on 051 4127400.


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