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Mtubatuba anti-abuse activist en route to Chatsworth

Jan Mabuyakhulu walks to raise awareness of women and child abuse

ANYONE recently driving on the N2 between Mtubatuba and Chatsworth would likely have seen a man walking with an anti-abuse banner.

That man is Jan Mabuyakhulu, a women and child abuse activist from Mtubatuba who spends his time educating people about the scourge.

In light of much violent behaviour towards children in Chatsworth and Phoenix, Jan felt the need to hit the tarmac once again.

Setting off from Mtubatuba last Thursday, Jan expects to reach Chatsworth on Tuesday next week.

‘The walk has been good and I have been joined by one other person for most of the way,’ he said.

‘I am expecting more people to join me the closer I get to Chatsworth.’

Jan has just arrived in Stanger where he will spend the night.

‘The walking has been good, although my companion is limping a bit.’

The Chatsworth mayoral office is reportedly organising an event to mark the end of his journey and where he will speak about the evils of woman and child abuse.

If anyone can sponsor Jan and his walking companion with water and airtime, he can be contacted on 079 4370138.


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