Blitzbokke need to up their game big time

Blitzbokke have not won one leg of the HSBC World Sevens Series this season

AFTER a sub-standard performance in Las Vegas over the weekend, the Blitzbokke’s overall HSBC World Sevens Series standings dropped to fifth on the log with 67 points.

Coach Neil Powell is struggling to return the team to its winning ways with his young, inexperienced players having to fill the shoes of a number of super stars who migrated to the 15 player version of the game.

After five rounds, the Blitzbokke have only managed one third place finish, in Cape Town.

The USA is currently sitting in top spot with 98 points.

To put things into perspective, a team gains 22 points for winning a leg. The Boks will have to win the remainder five legs and hope for the USA, second placed New Zealand (93 points) and third placed Fiji (84 points) to bomb out to leapfrog to the top.

Judging by the top three teams’ consistent performances, this is highly unlikely.

Remaining fixtures

Vancouver – 9-10 March.

Hong Kong – 5-7 April.

Singapore – 13-14 April.

London – 25-26 May.

Paris – 1-2 June.


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