IEB matrics achieve 98.92% pass rate

The closing date for the application for re-marking is 10 January 2019

The 2018 Independent Examinations Board (IEB) matriculants have achieved a national pass rate of 98.92%.

This is an increase compared to last year’s pass rate of 98.76%.

All candidates who passed achieved a pass that is good enough to enter tertiary study at one of the three levels:

’11 514 full-time and 858 part-time candidates from 249 examination centres across  Southern Africa wrote the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations in October and November 2018.

‘This is also an increase from 2017 when there were 11 464 full-time candidates and 666 part-time candidates.

‘Umalusi has monitored all aspects of the 2018 examination process and has declared the results to be fair and valid. There is a clear realisation among IEB learners, their parents and teachers that having the knowledge and understanding that lies behind the results on the certificate is far more important and meaningful for success after one’s schooling,’ said IEB chief executive, Anne Oberholzer.

The increase in the percentage pass rate for entry to bachelor degree studies can be attributed to the removal of the list of designated subjects.

‘Previously in addition to the normal pass requirements for the NSC, the attainment of 50% or more in a minimum of 4 designated subjects was required for entry to degree study.

‘In 2018, the list of designated subjects was removed. Learners must still get 50% in a minimum of 4 subjects; however the 50% requirement can apply to any subject excluding Life Orientation.’

The closing date for the application for re-marking is 10 January 2019 and the results from re-marking will be released on 6 February 2019. The closing date for learner’s who qualify to enrol for the supplementary examination is 15 February 2019.


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