Richards Bay school sterilises feral cats

Nine feral cats were sterilised at Arboretum Primary School

THE feral cat colony at Arboretum Primary School was recently brought under control as Project Feral Cat (PFC) stepped in to sterilise the feline residents.

After Deputy Principa, Mrs Maree first started feeding a resident cat a few years ago, her affections grew as the cat colony did, and it was time to bring the population under control.

The school said it is happy to have the cats on the premises, as they keep the rodents and other pests away.

‘PFC was thrilled to assist the school and commends principal Mr Buitendag for being proactive in sorting the school’s cat colony,’ said PFC founder, Heilke Ackerman.

‘A big thank you to Mrs Barnardt, Grade 3 Head Of Department, for her assistance and arrangements to make the day possible.’

Nine cats were sterilised, with the last three to be done soon.

‘It was so good to see the teachers and children caring for the cats – well done Arboretum Primary!’

If any other schools would like to take action to sort their cat colonies, please contact PFC


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