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School safety exercise at Khula Village

All learners were co-operative throughout the police search

IN the run-up to exams and as part of a school safety programme, a joint operation by local law enforcement was undertaken at a Khula Village high school.

The unannounced visit was carried out at Silethukukhanya High School by Mtubatuba SAPS, South African National Defence Force members, Mtubatuba traffic police, SAPS Operation Command Centre members and representatives of the Department of Community Safety and Liaison.

‘The purpose was to search learners to determine if they were in possession of illegal drugs or dangerous weapons,’ said Mtubatuba SAPS Communications Officer, Captain Justice Hlabisa.

‘The main aim was to ensure the safety of the learners and their educators.’

Hlabisa said the search was a success, given that no illegal drugs or weapons were found.

‘I am grateful for the visit, especially because examinations will commence shortly,’ said Silethukukhanya Principal Simon Madela.

‘The fact that nothing illegal was found means the exams will run smoothly and the school will be safe.’



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