Know the early signs of childhood cancer

Do not turn a blind eye to cancer warning signs in children

PARENTS and child caregivers need to be aware of the more common signs associated with childhood cancer.

The Cancer Association of South Africa estimates that between 800 and 1 000 children are diagnosed each year in South Africa.

Early detection and treatment are crucial.

A set of guidelines has been developed to assist parents and caregivers in this regard.

An acronym has been developed, named after Saint Siluan, a Russian monk who prayed tirelessly for all humanity and who is traditionally remembered on 24 September during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

S – Seek medical attention early for persistent symptoms.

I – The phonetic reminder for eye-related symptoms, including a white spot in the eye, the development of a squint or visual impairment, or bulging of the eyeball.

L – Lump noticeable in the abdomen, pelvis, head, neck, limbs, testes or glands.

U – Unexplained symptoms of prolonged fever for more than two weeks, weight loss, pallor, fatigue, easy bruising or bleeding.

A – Aching bones, joints, back or bones unusually susceptible to breaking.

N – Neurological signs, such as a change in or deterioration in walk, balance or speech, regression of developmental milestones, headaches lasting more than a week and sometimes with vomiting, or enlargement of the head.

These signs should not be ignored under any circumstances, and parents or caregivers who notice any of the above symptoms in a child should consult a medical professional as soon as possible.

While the prospect of a potential cancer diagnosis is frightening for anyone, it is imperative that adults do not turn a blind eye and simply hope that their child’s symptoms will resolve themselves.

Parents are urged to rather confront such signs with the support of a doctor, so that whatever may be the underlying cause can be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible – whether it is cancer or some other condition.


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