Teaching your child about stranger danger

Teach your children that bad people often have friendly faces

Child abductions stories – whether true or false – are headlining the news, sending cold shivers down any parent’s back.

Empower your children with knowledge on how to protect themselves.

Here’s what you can teach them:

– Teach your child how to recognise, avoid and escape dangerous situations.

– Your child should know her name, address and your cellphone number.

– Never to accept sweets or gifts from a stranger.

– How to use a cellphone to call home or the police.

– Never to go anywhere with a stranger, even if it sounds like fun.

– Who is allowed to pick them up from school.

ALSO READ: Unconfirmed social media kidnapping posts create panic

– Never climb into a stranger’s car.

– To run away and scream if someone follows them or tries to force them into a car.

– To tell you if another adult asks them personal questions or make him feel uneasy.

– To always tell you if they want to leave the house, yard, play area, or to go into someone else’s home.

If a stranger does try to hurt them:

– To be like velcro – grab and hold on tight o something like a tree or lamp post.

– To yell as loud as they can ‘I don’t know you! Leave me alone!’. A big commotion will draw helpers’ attention to the situation.

– If someone tries to grab them, to rotate their arms like a windmill and kick with both legs as hard as they can.

– Your child’s teeth are his best weapon. Bite the abductor really hard!

– To get out of an abductor’s car as soon as possible – open the door and jump out when it stops at a stop street or traffic light.

Teach your children that abductors don’t usually fit the stereotypical profile of a scary, creepy stranger or dirty old man. Bad people often have friendly faces.

Know where your children are.

Never leave your child alone in a public place, car or stroller.

Never ask a stranger to hold your baby, even for an instant.

Be aware of any individual paying an unusual amount of attention to your child or childrenin your community. Take a lot of photos of your child and keep them current.


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