Unemployed eSikhaleni residents demand project work

Furious unemployed eSikhaleni residents are currently protesting outside Leomat Construction's site and blocked all access to the area

NO one is allowed to enter or leave the Leomat Construction site in eSikhaleni where road upgrade work has started.

Angry residents have barricaded all access roads in the vicinity, claiming they were overlooked during the project’s workforce hiring process.

They demand a response to a memorandum they handed to the company last Monday.

Angry residents have barricaded all access to the area

ALSO READ: WATCH: ‘We want jobs or else..’ – eSikhaleni residents

Among the demands is that the company must employ 80% local people, even though Leomat declared that eleven locals have been employed for a team of 15 people.

‘We asked them to come back to us with a response by Friday, but they ignored us. We want answers and will remain here until management and the City of uMhlathuze come and address us.

‘We are prepared to die here if we must, but we are not moving until we find a way forward. Enough is enough,’ community leader and secretary of the Gelekone Movement, Chico Langa, told the ZO.

Police are monitoring the tense situation closely to prevent violent outbreaks.

City officials and Leomat’s management is expected to address residents soon.


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