Panel addresses parolees’ integration plans

KwaDukuza Municipality facilitates meeting for parolees and rehabilitated inmates

THE KwaDukuza Municipality facilitated an inaugural meeting between parolees, rehabilitated inmates and social partners to understand the issues faced by parolees during their reintegration into society.

The meeting was presided over by KwaDukuza Municipality Deputy Mayor Dolly Govender, who requested parolees and rehabilitated inmates to play a more active role in dissuading the youth from joining activities that will see them end up behind bars.

Parolees and rehabilitated inmates indicated that when they seek jobs, employers discriminate against them even though they are suitable candidates for the jobs. This often forces them back to a  life of crime.

During imprisonment inmates are afforded opportunities to learn new skills to help prepare them for a new chapter, with the hope of ultimately becoming breadwinners and productive members of society.

The reality is that employers do not trust them enough to offer them work and parolees and rehabilitated inmates are tempted to lie on their CVs and company profiles because if they tell the truth, they are discriminated against.

Once reintegrated into communities, they live in uncertainty because every time crime occurs, they are the prime suspects.

Resolutions at the meeting included that inmates should form a committee to represent them and councillors should be instrumental in the reintegration of parolees and rehabilitated inmates into communities.

Rehabilitated inmates were encouraged to become ambassadors against crime and participate in community-building activities to carry their message through.



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