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How to make money quickly

Ways to earn extra cash

MOST individuals would love to make as much money as possible while doing the least amount of work, so that they can sit back and enjoy what life has to offer, instead of slaving away every day to make ends meet.

Well, here are seven easy ways to bring in more money to help you enjoy life to the full.

1 Get paid for searching the web

Why not get paid for doing what you do every day online?

That’s right. This is one of the easiest methods of making money online without having to change your behaviour.
Qmee.com rewards you for searching in Google, Bing or Yahoo.

Just install a simple add-on to your browser and when you conduct a search there may be a few sponsored results alongside your normal search.

Each Qmee result has a cash reward attached – if you are interested in it simply click on it and collect your reward.

The best thing is there is no minimum to cashout and you have the option to donate it to charity.

Sign up now for free and start earning from your own searches.

2 Online market trading

The historically hard-to-break world of investing in stock markets and currencies has been cracked wide open.

Plus500 and eToro.com offer free practice accounts.

So when your confidence is up and you are aware of all the risks, then start with R200 and watch your money grow.

3 The ‘Disney Vault’ secret – (Credit: Walt Disney Pictures Inc).

To keep demand high across generations, Disney Studios carefully restricts the supply of some home release classics.

These classics are locked away in the ‘vault’ for 8-10 years before being released for a short unspecified time.

Buy them in this window at normal retail price and you can turn a nice profit when they go off sale for another decade or so.

Importantly, not all Disney releases are subject to the vault and only the true classics will maintain such demand.

Right now there are just 2 titles out of the vault which I would recommend snapping up.

They are Bambi Diamond Edition Blu-ray and The Lion King Diamond Edition Blu-ray.

4 Mobile phone recycling

When upgrading cellphones, take the old one to a second hand shop and sell; it or sell it online to make quick cash.

One can also collect all old mobile phones and sell them to recyling companies.

5 Get cashback when shopping

This is not only a way to make money, but also to save money on groceries.

If you look at it in a different way then you are making money with every purchase you would have made anyway, whether it be 10% or 0.5% cashback.

There are a number of cashback sites out there which pay you the commission they otherwise would have earned.

6 Part-time job

A part-time job is the obvious first choice for all looking to get out of debt.

It provides a pretty steady flow of income and can enable you to gain valuable work experience.

7 Review music for money

If you love music, make it your business by reviewing unsigned bands and artists online for cash with Slicethepie.

It can take a while to build up your reputation, but when known one can make a lot of extra dosh.

To get started, head over to Slicethepie.


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