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Top ten ways to save fuel

There are many ways to improve your car's fuel efficiency

AS petrol prices go through the roof with rumours of more increases in the future, making our tank of gas stretch further is something all motorists should do.

Here are the top 10 tips to saving fuel.


Regular vehicle services help to maintain engine efficiency.

Also ensure you are using the correct engine oil.

Check your speed

Driving in excess of the 120km/hr speed limit on most freeways automatically uses 25% more fuel.

Keep your revs down

Fuel efficiency is increased when using higher gears and lower revs on the open road.

Ideally, petrol engines should rev at 2 500 and diesel engines 2 000 before changing gears.

Driving fast in lower gears can use up to 45% more fuel.

Higher tyre pressures improves fuel efficiency

ALSO READ: Last chance to fill up before June fuel price increase

Tyre pressure

Well maintained tyres are essential for economical driving, not to mention safety.

The lower the tyre pressure, the more fuel the car uses.

No air-conditioning

Luckily it’s winter because using air-conditioning increases fuel consumption, particularly at lower speeds.

Drive responsibly

Abide by the road signs, drive defensively by learning to predict the actions of other drivers and foresee potential hazards.

Less braking and accelerating uses less fuel.

These driving techniques can improve fuel efficiency by up to 25%.

Removing excess baggage both inside and outside the car will improve fuel efficiency

Chuck out the unnecessary baggage

Carrying extra weight in your car wastes fuel.

Don’t drive around with heavy items in your boot.

If you’re embarking on a long-distance journey with lots of luggage, consider half filling your tank.

Avoid excessive idling

When driving in rush hour traffic or if you are caught in a traffic jam, instead of idling for long periods, rather switch off your vehicle’s engine.

The amount of fuel used at re-start is minimal compared to idling.

Plan and combine trips

One longer trip combining numerous everyday errands is more economical than many shorter trips.

So plan what you need to do and do everything in one trip as this will improve your car’s fuel consumption.

Use bike or roof racks only when needed

Reduce drag

Bicycle racks, roof racks or driving with the windows open increases drag, leading to an increase in fuel consumption.

Consider removing excess racks, using them only when needed.

Driving with windows partially open will also improve fuel consumption.


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