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Pandor orders forensic probe into Unizulu

The affairs of the University of Zululand (Unizulu) will come under scrutiny as the Higher Education Minister intervenes to investigate damning allegations

THE Minister of Higher Education and Training, Naledi Pandor has ordered an independent forensic investigation into the affairs of the University of Zululand (Unizulu).

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Following a meeting with the university’s council this past weekend, Pandor said the probe will look into a number of allegations levelled against the institution.

The claims include tender processes, staffing and human resource practices and possible financial misconduct at the university.

‘Once the forensic investigation has been completed, it will be possible for the university to take the necessary action to address any adverse findings, and move on from the public allegations,’ Pandor said.

Once the probe is finalised, the minister will put in place a support team to work with the university to implement its improvement plan.

Pandor said she is however aware that the leadership of the university had been working hard to address a range of critical issues facing the institution, including ‘restoring integrity to the academic programmes and qualifications of the university.’

‘Our universities have a critical role to play in the development of our country, and our students deserve the best possible opportunity to access and succeed in a quality learning environment,’ the Minister said.


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